Hi, I'm Mahyar Moghadam

I'm a Software engineer

As a professional with nearly 12 years of software development experience. My expertise is in C# (.NET/.NET Core), JavaScript, React, and Angular. Additionally, I have hands-on experience with SQL and NoSQL databases, as well as working in cloud environments with AWS. Throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to work in diverse companies with varying business rules. I am looking forward to further developing my strong technical skills.

My skills


React Js

React Js



Next Js

Next Js














.Net core

.Net core

Node Js

Node Js

Nest Js

Nest Js

Graph Ql

Graph Ql































VS Code

VS Code





My Experience


2022 – Present

Aachen, Germany - Hybrid

• Develop new features, resolve bugs, and manage the application in a web dashboard that manages organizations, clients, vehicles, and trips, using C# .NET APIs, React Nextjs, And AWS services. (Modular Architecture, Cross-Cutting Concerns, Domain Driven Design). • Developed and implemented scoring and carbon emission calculations using AWS Lambda and Python for efficient and scalable processing. • Designed and integrated REST APIs to connect mobile applications. • Stored all end-user data in AWS S3 buckets for secure and scalable storage. • Implemented secure user authentication and authorization using JWT and OAuth2 protocols. • Apply software architecture concepts, patterns, and Cloud Services in an API application. • Use SignalR technology to communicate with clients and receive GPS and IMU data in real time. • Developed customizable reporting and analytics dashboards to monitor clients' driving performance metrics. • Established and managed DevOps pipelines for automation, employing CI/CD to efficiently deploy and maintain APIs. • Conducted regular code reviews to maintain high standards of code quality and performance. • Worked remotely as a full-stack developer, ensuring seamless collaboration and high productivity. Skills: C# · ASP.NET Core · Amazon Web Services (AWS) · CQRS · Domain-Driven Design (DDD) · React.js · React Native · Angular · Python (Programming Language) · Git · Artificial Intelligence (AI) · Code Review


2020 - 2022

Toronto, Canada - Remote

• Developed and managed these features, including Inventory Management, Branch Management, Promotion Management, and over 10 additional functionalities. • Built a POS platform using .Net Core and Angular for restaurant management and online food ordering. • Implemented advanced table management, order processing, menu configuration, and kitchen management systems, currently utilized by nearly 20 restaurants in Toronto. • Designed and integrated REST APIs to connect the POS system seamlessly with websites, reservation systems, and dedicated mobile applications. • Implemented the DevOps pipelines to build automation processes, and CI/CD to deploy for 20 restaurant's POS systems. • Developed a high-performance mobile application using React Native, enhancing user experience and cross-platform compatibility. • Implemented secure user authentication and authorization using JWT and OAuth2 protocols. • Real-time data synchronization and notifications using SignalR. • Customizable reporting and analytics dashboards for restaurant performance metrics. • Implemented payment gateway integration for seamless transactions using Stripe. • Developed automated backup and recovery systems to ensure data integrity and availability. • Implemented role-based access control to enhance data security and management. • Worked remotely as a full-stack developer, ensuring seamless collaboration and high productivity. Skills: C# · Domain-Driven Design (DDD) · Git · Communication · RabitMq · SQL · .NET Core · Microservices · Angular · Node.js · CQRS

Trip Support Company

2018 - 2020

Toronto, Canada - Remote

• Developed cloud-based travel agency software using c#, .Net Core, Angular, and Svelte, providing comprehensive services including Flights, Hotels, and Vacation Packages. • Seamlessly integrated with over 8 APIs from leading hotel and flight providers such as HotelBeds, Amadeus, Smyrooms, RateHawk, and Vervotech, ensuring a wide range of options for users. • Implemented a user-friendly ordering system for Flights, Hotels, and Vacation Packages, featuring three flexible payment options for customer convenience. • Using Agile methodology and Jira for efficient project management and collaboration. • Designed microservice architecture to ensure high availability and scalability, accommodating peak travel booking periods using Docker and AWS Fargate. • Integrate Stripe and Lending payment gateways to offer secure and diverse payment options for customers • Facilitated continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) processes to streamline development and release cycles. • Enhanced user experience by incorporating responsive design principles, ensuring seamless functionality across various devices. • Conducted regular code reviews and mentoring sessions to uphold high standards of code quality and performance. • Worked remotely as a full-stack developer, ensuring seamless collaboration and productivity. Skills: C# · .NET Core · Domain-Driven Design (DDD) · RabitMq · MongoDB · Angular · Masstransit · Git · Svelte · Microservices · CQRS


2016 - 2018

Tehran, Iran - OnSite

• Developed a CRM system using ASP.NET MVC for an attendance management company, providing seamless and efficient solutions for clients. • Created a REST API to support integration with a Kotlin-based mobile application, ensuring consistent and reliable data access. • Designed and deployed a cloud application featuring extensive functionality, including attendance management, leave management, work shift history, leave transactions, and over 10 additional features. • Implemented the solution as a SaaS platform, developing an auto-generating structure to efficiently manage 250 accounts. • Enhanced the CRM system with real-time data synchronization, ensuring up-to-date information across all client interfaces. • Integrated secure user authentication and authorization mechanisms to protect sensitive client data. • Developed dashboards and reports to provide clients with valuable insights into attendance and leave patterns. • Implemented automated email notifications for attendance and leave updates, improving client communication. • Facilitated continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) processes to streamline development using Azure. • Implemented advanced reporting features, allowing clients to generate detailed attendance and leave reports. • Enhanced the user interface to provide a more intuitive and user-friendly experience for clients. • Developed API documentation and usage guidelines to support third-party integrations. • Provided ongoing maintenance and updates to ensure the system remained secure and functional over time. Skills: ASP.NET MVC · C# · Communication · Microsoft SQL Server · Kendo Ui


2013 - 2016

Tehran, Iran - OnSite

• Designed and implemented a project management system, enhancing productivity and collaboration across teams. • Implemented a secure and efficient database using SQL Server to manage project-related data, ensuring quick access and reliability. • Architected and developed a modular software architecture, employing a 5-layer architecture and leveraging Entity Framework for ORM. • Designed and implemented the full framework using ASP.NET MVC 5 and .NET 4.5, ensuring a robust and maintainable system. • Utilized Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) with WCF and REST to ensure flexible and scalable service interactions. • Implemented Dependency Injection (DI) to enhance the modularity and maintainability of the system. • Integrated advanced reporting and analytics tools to provide real-time insights into project progress and performance. • Implemented role-based access control to secure sensitive project data and ensure appropriate access levels. • Developed a user-friendly interface, enhancing the user experience and adoption rates among project managers and team members. Skills: C# · ASP.NET MVC · ASP.NET Web API · Entity Framework · Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) · Microsoft SQL Server · Kendo Ui · Bootstrap (Framework)

Douran Group

2010 - 2013

Tehran, Iran - OnSite

• Designed and implemented software infrastructure projects for a hosting automation system, automatic configuration of hosts and virtual servers, ensuring immediate delivery after payment. • Developed a comprehensive framework using ASP.NET MVC 5, SQL Server, and .NET 4.5 to support scalable and maintainable solutions. • Employed a 5-layer architecture and Entity Framework for efficient data management and separation of concerns. • Utilized Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) with WCF and REST to enable flexible and scalable service interactions. • Implemented Dependency Injection (DI) to enhance the modularity and maintainability of the system. Skills: C# · ASP.NET MVC · Microsoft SQL Server · Entity Framework · .NET 4.5 · SOAP

Contact me

Please contact me directly at [email protected] or through this form.